Um curso sobre a Itália do pósguerra, do boom econômico, dos anos de chumbo e Tangentopoli. Informações essenciais para a compreensão da evolução dos partidos políticose das personagens mais relevantes dos últimos cinquenta anos da política italiana, e para aprender a ler o jornal e aproveitar de todas as referências ao nosso passado recente. Não é compatível a principiantes no conhecimento do idioma.
1 semana: 400 euros
Andreea –
Extremely well prepared and instructive course. Irene is an encyclopaedia, very knowledgeable about the hows and whys of Italian history, no question will catch her unprepared. The current affairs part is based on the historical realities and very hands on; it's great to read the newspapers presenting the same news from various political stances and have a key to decipher the reasons behind the differences. Irene proposed a wealth of materials and extra reading. My one week course felt a bit like a marathon, we covered so much, I filled a whole notebook, but I feel there was still so much more I could have learned from her, one week is definitely not enough, it's just the beginning. Wholeheartedly recommended!