Tiffany, Australiana

Thank you Daniela & Il Sasso for a fabulous week in stunning Montepulciano. A wonderful way to see a little of Tuscany, learn something about the history of the area & improve my very basic Italian. Daniela is a fantastic & very patient teacher. Grazie mille!!

06 settembre 2024

The course combines theory (well structured summaries of the main features defining a certain period/art current + the relevant terminology in Italian) and practice (exploring the various treasures of Montepulciano, from Etruscan artefacts to baroque churches). The outdoors part is definitely the most interesting. Sara is very knowledgeable and can give a lot of context about the art works that can be found around every corner in Montepulciano. In my case, the heatwave at the end of July led to reducing this part to one day out of 5, but Sara has compensated, by offering lots of pointers on Siena, Pienza and other places I visited on my own. She also proposed detailed analyses of Italian masterpieces that can be found in Tuscan museums and recommended further reading materials. An enriching experience!

02 agosto 2024

My one week Italian literature course started a few weeks before arriving in Montepulciano, with a books list recommended by the teacher. All of them contemporary novels, good reads with a cultural perspective (each one depicting an event/tradition/reality relevant for a specific part of Italy). During the course, we've focused on these novels and on other books and authors that have left a mark in the 20th and 21st centuries. Gaia is a warm, open minded and empathetic teacher. It was a pleasure talking to her. She filled in the blanks with the missing details about the context around the books and authors and gave me new ideas for further reads. I am leaving with a new books list to enjoy after the course.

02 agosto 2024

Extremely well prepared and instructive course. Irene is an encyclopaedia, very knowledgeable about the hows and whys of Italian history, no question will catch her unprepared. The current affairs part is based on the historical realities and very hands on; it's great to read the newspapers presenting the same news from various political stances and have a key to decipher the reasons behind the differences. Irene proposed a wealth of materials and extra reading. My one week course felt a bit like a marathon, we covered so much, I filled a whole notebook, but I feel there was still so much more I could have learned from her, one week is definitely not enough, it's just the beginning. Wholeheartedly recommended!

01 agosto 2024

Alle appassionate e agli appassionati di storia antica e in particolare a chi vuole immergersi nella storia e cultura degli Etruschi consiglio vivamente il corso "Il mondo etrusco". In classe Sara ci ha presentato il corso e con il sillabo e la visione di alcuni video abbiamo approfondito i vari aspetti della storia,la vita e la cultura di questo popolo misterioso. Il ruolo della donna nella civiltà etrusca ha suscitato molto interesse nel nostro gruppo di quattro corsiste. Poi Sara ci ha portato in giro alla scoperta delle tracce etrusche, non solo a Montepulciano, dove abbiamo visitato la imponente cantina De'Ricci e la Fortezza,ma anche a Chianciano e a Chiusi dove competenti guide locali ci hanno accompagnato nei musei e ci hanno fornito ulteriori spiegazioni sugli Etruschi. Indimenticabile il laboratorio di tecnica di decorazione su ceramica, in stile etrusco, dal mitico Flavio della Bottega Kamars a Chiusi. Esperienza unica! Ognuno di noi ha tirato fuori le sue abilità creative e le nostre opere rimarranno per sempre un bellissimo ricordo a questa mattinata divertente e rilassante e alla nostra settimana in terra etrusca nella Valdichiana. Marleen

01 giugno 2024
Elizabeth Cook

Through an exploration of architecture and the visual arts, this course is a satisfying study of various historical periods. Lively, fun, engaging! Wonderful excursions to gorgeous places! Definitely five stars!

31 maggio 2024
Elizabeth Cook

A marvelous learning experience that gives context and insight into Etruscan culture. Dynamic lectures followed by exciting and unusual excursions. With tremendous enthusiasm and knowledge, Sara takes you into this ancient world where beauty and the human experience took center stage. I highly recommend this course. Take it! You’ll love it!

31 maggio 2024

Heartily recommend this course. Sara is a wonderful teacher and it was such a pleasure to listen to her and to learn so much from her.

18 maggio 2024
Carol (USA)

This was an absolutely wonderful week. Having Sara to explain the art made it come alive, especially when out of the classroom with her. We visited a variety of places that were quite different from the norm. When in the country, the silence and beautiful colors and views were good for the soul. This will not disappoint. Italiano & Arte combines Italian language, art, and very special excursions.

11 maggio 2024

Questo corso era fantastico! Posso consigliarlo a tutti. Irene ci ha raccontato tutta la storia del vino di Montepulciano e ci ha insegnato il vocabolario uttile per parlare del vino. Cristian ci ha spiegato il ciclo della vita della vite, produzione del vino e come degustare e abbinare con cibo il vino. Abbiamo visitato insieme una cantina storica e una cantina moderna, entrambe bellissime e con il vino ottimo. Era una esperienza indimenticabile. Vorrei certamente ritornare e fare un corso avanzato.

01 agosto 2023