
Every year the Italian language school Il Sasso grants a number of scholarships to the worldwide Italian Institute of Culture and to some international Universities to give students of our language an experience of Italy.

Interested students should contact their respective Italian Institutes or Universities to apply for the grant. Our office at Il Sasso is always available to answer questions and to meet particular requests, especially with regard to travel arrangements and practical help.

The dates of courses for which students may take advantage of the scholarships are agreed with our office according to the availability of places. Enrolments will be confirmed by our school on notification from the Institute or University where the application was made.

The Italian Institutes which do not yet take advantage of scholarships, Universities and other Institutions that would like to cooperate with us are kindly requested to contact our office at info@ilsasso.com. We welcome your requests and suggestions.

An up-to-date list of all the Italian Cultural Institutes abroad is available on the website www.esteri.it/mae/it/politica_estera/cultura/reteiic.html

N. titolo nazione
1 IIC Melbourne Australia
2 IIC Sydney Australia
3 Dante Alighieri Brisbane Australia
4 Dante Alighieri Klagenfurt Austria
5 IIC Vienna Austria
6 IIC Bruxelles Belgio
7 IIC Rio de Janeiro Brasile
8 IIC San Paolo Brasile
9 IIC Montreal Canada
10 IIC Toronto Canada
11 IIC Santiago del Cile Cile
12 IIC Zagabria Croazia
13 IIC Copenaghen Danimarca
14 IIC Helsinki Finlandia
15 IIC Parigi Francia
16 IIC Strasburgo Francia
17 IIC Amburgo Germania
18 IIC Berlino Germania
19 IIC Colonia Germania
20 IIC Monaco di Baviera Germania
21 IIC Osaka Giappone
22 IIC Tokyo Giappone
23 IIC Londra Inghilterra
24 IIC Edimburgo Inghilterra
25 IIC Dublino Irlanda
26 IIC Tel Aviv Israele
27 Europäische Akademie für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Italia
28 IIC La Valletta Malta
29 IIC Oslo Norvegia
30 IIC Amsterdam Olanda
31 IIC Cracovia Polonia
32 IIC Varsavia Polonia
33 IIC Lisbona Portogallo
34 IIC Praga Repubblica Ceca
35 IIC Mosca Russia
36 IIC San Pietroburgo Russia
37 IIC Bratislava Slovacchia
38 IIC Madrid Spagna
39 IIC Barcellona Spagna
40 IIC Stoccolma Svezia
41 IIC Zurigo Svizzera
42 IIC Budapest Ungheria
43 IIC Chicago USA
44 IIC Los Angeles USA
45 IIC New York USA
46 IIC San Francisco USA
47 ICC San Diego USA